Data and personal information protection

From the very beginning, we've been putting a great emphasis on the protection of your data and personal information. We will make sure that your data is always safe with us. We believe that protecting the privacy of our users is the most important thing. You can rely on us. We never share or sell your data. Some examples of what we do in order to protect your privacy.

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No user tracking and monitoring

We do not support any user monitoring or tracking. We only store the information necessary for a smooth run of the application.

Data and personal information of the user

We never share or sell your data or personal information to any third parties.

No third party advertising

We don't allow any third parties to advertise in our app, even though it might be financially beneficial to us. Enabling a third party to advertise in our app would mean having the advertiser's tracking codes added to our website. That would allow them to monitor you and collect your personal information. MyAirBridge won't do this.

Protection against third party monitoring

We use CSP - Content Security Policy, so that any information you fill in the app stays just between us. Otherwise, for example, your browser plugin could collect your information.

Strong transfer encryption

All data in transit sent through our app is fully encrypted so that the data transfers cannot be eavesdropped on, modified, or copied. MyAirBridge has the highest possible encryption rating of A +.

Strong end-to-end encryption

If you require complete protection, you can also use our end-to-end encryption feature. That way, no one apart from the sender and the recipient can access the data - not even us, the MyAirBridge team.