Connect your online storage locally

Connect your MyAirBridge storage locally. It's now possible to connect your online storage to the WebDAV protocol and work with it directly on your OS ( like with a standard system folder). You can then easily write, copy, move or download data easily using this linked folder – all of that as if you were working in any other folder on your OS. You don't need to install any new software, either. Just a few simple clicks and the linked folder will appear in your system.

Connect the folder to WIN

The Microsoft Windows operating system does not support working with files larger than ~50 MB. If you attempt to work with a larger file, you will experience error 0x800700DF.

By editing the registry, the limit can be increased up to 4GB:

Procedure #1

1. Open the registry editor
2. In `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters`
edit the value of `FileSizeLimitInBytes`.
3. Enter the new value: either `ffffffff` hexadecimal or `4294967295` decimal.
4. Reboot Windows or restart the `WebClient` service.

Procedure #2

1. Open your notebook.
2. Paste the following content into it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

3. Save the document as a `reg` file (e.g. `webdav-limit-4gb.reg`).
4. Run the saved file.
5. Reboot Windows or restart the `WebClient` service.

Procedure #3

1. Run the command prompt as administrator.
2. Run this command:
REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters /v
FileSizeLImitInBytes /t REG_DWORD /d 0xffffffff
3. Reboot Windows or restart the `WebClient` service.

To work with files larger than 4GB, you must use a third-party application third party application. E.g.

Connect the folder to MacOS

If you want to automatically display the connected storage permanently even after restarting the computer, please follow the animation.